Joy of The Bunny

Easter is on Sunday and although we all may be celebrating in very different ways this year, we can still bring the joy of the Bunny! If your family still wants some quality time with the Easter Bunny, we can certainly provide it! We can send out an Easter Bunny to provide a fun and entertaining time to your family (respecting the social distancing rules of course). We can also provide virtual Bunny fun! The Easter Bunny can talk to you and play some fun games with you via video chats. 

R.T. Clown is here and committed to helping provide you and your family with new ways to entertain during these uncertain times. Call us @ 310.376.2250 or email us for your holiday entertainment.


A Throwback Thursday that we can look forward to. School Summer Shows over the years. We are continuously booking for July and August shows this summer! A lot of new shows ready to make their debut, plus all of your old favorites. Reminisce on the good times of past summers while jumping into the start of a new one.

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